Wednesday 1 April 2020


So as you all know we're on lock down and since all of the essential workers have to keep working. Me, my Mum and Jackson (my brother) have been writing positive things on our window so all of the people that are still working can feel our support.
Those drawings on the bottom were Jackson's.



  1. Hi Arden, what a lovely message to send to people. My sister and cousin are working in hospitals and I'm sure they'd love messages like these. Have you managed to do any of the awesome activities on your amazing Kauri team's site?

  2. Hi Arden, great work - this made me smile! It is super important that we all think about the essential workers and thank them for their hard work.
    My thanks to you (and your family) for showing kindness and reminding us all of the small things we can do to make a difference.

  3. Hi buddy hope you are going well on lock down check your drive because i shared something with you


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