Wednesday 25 March 2020

Goodbye school and hello homework!!

So as you know everyone is on lock down, all the schools are closed and we have to do homework so me and my mum planned a timetable for school work. And it goes a little like this:

-Blog post
-Draw a character called Super Mc Stanky poster
(I came up with it last night)
-Read for 30 minutes

But that's only today's stuff. 
(that isn't school stuff)
We've talked about learning our family's pepeha, learning old stories about our ancestry and teaching me a new haka. Mum says i'm going to be her muse and we're going to colour my hair again.



  1. Hi Arden. What a great opportunity for your to learn about where you are from and all about your ancestral history! I am so glad you and mum have come up with a plan for your learning. Remember you can check your emails. I have put up some learning for you also. What is one thing you have learned about your ancestors?

  2. Hi Arden, agreed - what a wonderful opportunity to learn more about your family history.
    I look forward to reading about what you learn. (And maybe a photo of your new hair colour?)

  3. Sheryl Fletcher27 March 2020 at 11:58

    Hi Arden
    I look forward to see what colour your hair will be by the time school goes back! Anything you can do to read, or learn something new (like your ancestry information) will help keep you on track for learning once we're back at school. Good job on reading every day too!


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