Friday 1 May 2020

My Animal Slide!!!

Have you ever wondered 
"What is Arden's favourite animal?"
I'm just joking I bet no one in the whole entire world has ever thought of something so specific.  BUT TOO BAD. I'm going to tell you anyway, and you get to know my top three instead of one.


  1. Arden you have presented this information really well, I like the colours and font you have chosen. I didn't know that wolves were the largest in the dog family. My favourite animal in this family is the African Wild Dog, perhaps you could look up some information about them, they are an endangered animal!

  2. Kia ora, Arden. I can see that you have spent alot of time on your slide presentation. well done. I really enjoyed reading your different facts about your favourite three animals, they are all so very different from each other. I also really liked the link you included for your audience to find out what their spirit animal is. Did you do this? If so, what was your spirit animal?

  3. Arden your slide is very captivating. I always enjoy how you hook and engage your audience. I always knew monkeys were intelligent, but when you compared it to the average IQ of a human, it is really quite obvious how intelligent they are. Some countries exploit their intelligence and get them to do things like steal from tourists. Have you heard of this before?

  4. kia ora Arden those were some cool facts about animals. i never new that the axolotl goes toilet through it's gills that's gross!

  5. Hello Arden from 24 its Dekovyn from room 25! I came to check out your blog! You can add some more facts about the monkey and more improvments into your sentences!

    1. MY BLOG

  6. Hey Arden.
    Great job on this post it looks really good and it has given me some information on these animals.


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